Le contenu

Ecological transition

3 missions

With the financial support of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ADEME and the Regional Council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the AER BFC offers the region’s businesses customised support in:


eco-designing their products and services to respond to changes in the market

économie de la fonctionnalité et de la coopération

re-thinking their economic model to proceed on an economic trajectory of functionality

récupération de chaleur et énergies renouvelables

improving their energy performance by recovering waste heat and introducing renewable energies.

Develop your eco-design

Eco-design is “the systematic integration of environmental aspects into product design and development (goods and services, systems) with the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts throughout their life cycle while providing equivalent or superior service. This approach from the outset of a design process aims to find the best balance between environmental, social, technical, and economic requirements in product design and development.” Standard NF X 30-264 Environmental Management – Assistance for the implementation of an eco-design approach, 2013.

Each year

  • 120 + meetings in businesses
  • approximately 40 projects supported

Eco-design in 2023

  • 145 visits/video conferences with businesses and project backers
  • 60 businesses benefited from eco-innovative project financing and/or in-depth technical monitoring, 19 of which received public funding
  • 1 series of workshops
  • 20 workshops, webinars, round tables, evening debates.

Discover the mission


Transform your economic model

Transforming one’s economic model is transforming practices to anchor a new sustainable and responsible economic model. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” This quote attributed to Albert Einstein encourages us to change our professional practices to change our economic model. It involves taking a new look at production methods, contracting, relationships between individuals, and with the local ecosystem.

Why should you care?

  • Redefine your company’s strategy in the face of development model deadlocks (market saturation, increased competition, shrinking margins, being stuck in a value chain, funding difficulties, etc.);
  • Undertake policies for sustainable development or expand an already ongoing circular economy approach;
  • Respond to new consumption patterns;
  • Engage employees, give meaning back to their work, develop an ability to handle the tensions affecting work.

In Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, committed leaders and support actors have established a support unit (ACTES: – Support Unit for Cooperation in the Transition to a Service Economy). AER BFC is your preferred contact to join this regional cooperation dynamic to implement and operationalize these principles within regional economic ecosystems.

New business models in 2023

A series of workshops focusing on sustainable and responsible business models was organised. The programme combined information phases with moments of reflection rooted in the concrete realities of the participating companies. The active involvement of the participants enabled them to propose a new approach to designing their company’s business model. The course was structured around three themed workshops, each followed by a feedback session a week later. The sessions covered the following topics:

  • Defining a sustainable and responsible business model, with a focus on workplace health, employee engagement, skills support, and consideration of environmental impacts.
  • The limits encountered in current economic models, with a focus on the differences between service provision and the service relationship, in particular co-production with beneficiaries.
  • Debriefing and future prospects, underlining the importance of collective work and innovative working methods to reassess business models.

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Showcase your renewable heat

The Agency supports businesses in their waste heat recovery and renewable energies projects on high-potential sites. 4500 Gwh is the potential heat recovery estimated in the region by ADEME (2017 study).

Each year

  • about fifty meetings with companies
  • more than 15 projects supported

Heat recovery in 2023

  • 50 company visits, including 16 classified as ICPE (Classified Installations for Environmental Protection);
  • 6 requests for decision-making assistance;
  • 2 technical visits to decarbonization technology installations;
  • 24 newly supported companies and 67 companies still under support (follow-up);
  • 1 morning conference on REX (experience feedback);
  • Many new studies have been initiated this year in our companies in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. The very first feedback indicates a potential for 2 GWh / year reduction.

Discover the mission

Eco-innovate trophies in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Logo Trophées Éco-innovez


Every two years, the “Eco-innovate in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté” trophies » reward exemplary eco-design projects and also trajectories towards an economy of functionality and cooperation.
Before the next set of awards, be inspired by the previous winners ! 

Discover the trophies

Trophies 2024

Application forms can be downloaded here. Candidates must submit an electronic copy of the completed and signed form by email to the following address: ecoconception@aer-bfc.com
Deadline for submitting applications: Friday, May 31, 2024

24 eco-innovative projects

These have been organised every two years since 2014 and have already rewarded 24 eco-innovative projects at regional and national level. The trophies also serve as a springboard for businesses to apply for national ecological transition or environmental innovation awards.

Organisers and partners

The Trophies are organised by the Agence Économique Régionale de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and funded by the Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and ADEME.

ACTES (Appui à la Coopération pour la Transition vers une Économie Servicielle), Bpifrance, the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chambre Régionale de Métiers et de l’Artisanat, the DREETS BFC, the DREAL BFC and the Pôle Éco-conception are partners in the competition.

Logo RT2E

The ecological and economic transition network of Burgundy-Franche-Comté brings together different complementary actors on the issues of ecological transition. Led by ADEME and the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region, its objective is to enable professionals to find the right contact person so that they can be guided and supported in their environment-related projects. The Ecological Transition team of the AER BFC actively participates in the RT2E network.

Logo Transition Énergétique et Économie Durable

Do you have a project?

Contact us!

Site transition écologique en BFC

 Find tools, resources, testimonials and news on our eco-designed website: