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Innovative project engineering

The AER BFC supports you in carrying out your innovation projects

3 services / support

Innovative project engineering

Would you like the benefit of support in developing your innovative project?

In the context of individual and confidential meetings, the Agency can support you in formalising your innovative project and identifying your needs. In addition to this, it will introduce you to the regional resources (technical and financial) to address your problems and connect you with the ecosystem’s stakeholders.

Your contact : Karl BOURNAT

Labs – Idea laboratories

Would you like expert support to solve a problem/technological stumbling block?

The labs are “think tanks”, an open and inclusive space which can help develop ideas or concepts to meet a need, by combining complementary or unexpected skills and profiles. An innovative way of thinking that can open up new avenues to you!

Lasting approximately 2 hours, they operate as a restricted committee, selected in advance. We constitute an unprecedented customised group to create a personalised response to your needs! To address your problem, you will find around you: experts, researchers, engineers, financiers, students, etc.
Participants are, of course, subject to confidentiality!

Download the flyer (fr)

Your contact : Karine BERGER

Business-Research Partnership

Would you like to develop your R&D by having high-level skills available to you?

The Agency can meet you to formalise your needs and put you in touch with the right partner: research laboratory, Technological Platforms, etc. In order to find the skills required for your innovative project, the Agency can call on regional stakeholders from the world of research (University of Bourgogne Europe, University of Marie et Louis Pasteur, SAYENS, FC-Innov, etc.). In addition, it will show you the financial arrangements that can support your work.

Your contact : Karine BERGER

Look at the Help With Innovation manual for businesses, and find a service offer from innovation stakeholders, from conception of the idea to marketing the innovative product/service.

The manual lists the arrangements and service offers to support the emerging and developing projects of new business creators or regional companies.

Download it (fr)