4 laboratories associated with research
270 companies
39,500 jobs
2 world leaders
2 training courses dedicated to wind energy
1 course dedicated to hydrogen
+ More than 30 training courses dedicated to energy
The AER BFC supports you
In connection with the Innovation and Ecological Transition Unit of the AER BFC, Ludovic DIERS, Mobility / Energy Project Manager, will help you to carry out your projects and to lead the sector.
“The pandemic, the rise in fuel prices and the evolution of travel practices are profoundly transforming the mobility sector. In addition, the challenge is to move towards a low-carbon sector by 2050, both in the use of means of transport and in their design and end-of-life management. The automotive, rail and cycle industries are facing brutal changes and must adapt their economic model, their product and industrial strategy in record time. Succeeding in these challenges is essential for the sustainability and development of the sector in our region, but it is also an opportunity to invent the mobility solutions of tomorrow.
For nearly 25 years I have held various technical, project management and supervisory positions in the automotive R&D sector. After an initial experience with a plastics manufacturer, I joined the PSA group, now Stellantis, at the Belchamp site in 2001. I participated in the development of the BVh2 and EMP2 platforms and their associated silhouettes/GMP. I joined the world of economic development at the beginning of 2022 and it is with this experience that I will accompany you in your projects. –
The support offered by the AER BFC takes different forms:
– Meetings with high-stakes companies,
– Participation in the animation of the ecosystem,
– Targeted prospecting in France and internationally,
– Engineering of business projects,
– Financial engineering,
– Land and business real estate.
An ecosystem that meets the energy challenges of tomorrow
Nuclear and conventional energy
For more than 150 years, steam and then nuclear boilers, as well as steam and gas turbines, have been manufactured here. Today, they equip 20% of the world’s power plants and 100% of French nuclear power plants. This industry has encouraged the establishment of research laboratories and higher education institutions specialising in energy-related professions, and has developed strong engineering skills in the region. Bourgogne-Franche-Comté now plays a leading role in the energy sector.
Renewable energies
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, which has an exceptional heritage in terms of biodiversity and resources, is “naturally” committed to environmental preservation and the energy transition. It has set itself the goal of becoming a Positive Energy territory by 2050. A whole ecosystem active in project development, installation, maintenance and industrial subcontracting is working to develop renewable energy production methods.
A state-of-the-art scientific and technical environment
- Institut FEMTO-ST – energy production, conversion and storage systems, whether thermal or electrical, with strong skills in hybrid electric systems for transport and stationary applications.
- USR FCLAB – it is the only one in Europe to combine research and engineering of the highest level in a public structure of such a scale on this subject.
- Laboratoire Lipsen – development and operation of multi-physical and virtual dynamic systems for the industry of the future.
- Laboratoire ICB – development of advanced materials, study of their durability, processes and reactivity phenomena at solid/solid and solid/gas interfaces.
- Département Énergie de l’UTBM – associated with the research teams of several laboratories, including the FEMTO-ST Institute / CNRS and the USR FCLab.
- CETIC – CETIC develops and qualifies the maintenance operations carried out on French and foreign nuclear boilers, and trains operators.
8 reasons to choose the BFC:
- 1 global prime contractor: EDF ;
- 2 world leaders: General Electric & Framatome;
- 20% of the world’s steam and gas turbines are manufactured by General Electric in BFC;
- A competitiveness cluster dedicated to nuclear energy;
- An energy cluster and a wind energy cluster;
- A hydrogen labelled territory;
- A dedicated training offer unique in France.
- Une offre de formation dédiée unique en France.
Aperam, Framatome, General Electric, Industeel (ArcelorMittal), Innergex, Justy, Opale Énergies Naturelles, r.bourgeois, Total Quadran, Vallourec, etc.
1 competitiveness cluster and 2 clusters
- Pôle Nuclear Valley – The only competitiveness cluster dedicated to civil nuclear power in France to be approved by the State.
- Cluster Vallée de l’Énergie – Energy Valley federates the driving forces of its ecosystem to amplify synergies and embodies a strategic gateway dedicated to companies in the energy sector.
- Cluster Wind for Future – Wind for Future (W4F) brings together wind energy companies with expertise ranging from research to maintenance and operation.
They have benefited from our support
- Type de project: creation
- Activity: application software development
- Location: Belfort (90)
- Partners: Nuclear Valley
- Expected jobs: –
Created in September 2021 in Le Creusot by Mr. Lautermann, X’Plan Research is developing an expert project planning system capable, thanks to artificial intelligence and big data, of cross-referencing innumerable data and thus enabling considerable gains to be made throughout the industry, particularly during complex maintenance operations. It will be the industry’s first GPS. The X’Plan Research project is one of the winners of the nuclear section of the France 2022 Recovery Plan, and has benefited from the support of the Nuclear Valley cluster through its contacts.
The Agency supported X’Plan via a Presta’Inno scheme which helped finance a pre-study aimed at analysing the possibility of using images and videos produced in a high-risk industrial context (and in particular in nuclear power plants) by a mobile human to:
- Helping a project manager to make the right decisions when supervising a project schedule with high co-activities,
- help the technician to find his way in an environment with significant health impacts (ionising radiation),
- visualise the remaining tasks to be carried out on a set of components located in industrial premises.
It will also ensure that the association of mass processing (big data) of technical data with visual recognition will make it possible to create links between the content of an image in an industrial environment and the nature of the activities in progress that can be visualised on the industry’s GPS.
- Type de project: implementation
- Activity: ecological and sustainable storage – VOSS (Volant de Stockage Solaire)
- Location: Essert (90)
- Partners: Conseil régional de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, ADN-FC
- Expected jobs: 50 by 2024
ENERGIESTRO is an innovative company developing a concrete flywheel with the aim of reducing the excessive cost of electrical storage by batteries, but also of reducing its environmental footprint.
For nearly two years, the Agency supported this company, initially based in Châteaudun, to enable it to set up in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in an ecosystem perfectly suited to its needs, and also helped it to obtain regional financial support.
Mr. and Mrs. Gennesseaux, the company’s directors, were convinced by the relevance of being located in North Franche-Comté, an industrial territory, and moved ENERGIESTRO at the end of December 2021 to Essert.
A dedicated training offer unique in France
- Marie and Louis Pasteur University – From the DUT to the Master’s degree, the UFC provides training in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- University of Burgogne Europe – From the DUT to the Master’s degree, the UB provides training in the physics of materials and in civil and mechanical engineering.
- ENSMM – School of General Engineering specialising in Mechanics and Microtechnology.
- Campus Art & Métiers de Cluny – Engineers in mechanical, industrial and energy engineering.
- Lycée Louis Aragon – Renewable Energy, Air Conditioning and Fluidic Engineering.
- Lycée Raoul Follereau – Initial training and apprenticeships dedicated to energy.
- ESIREM – Higher School of Engineering in Materials.
- Lycée Gustave Eiffel – Initial training and apprenticeships dedicated to energy.
- Lycée Eugène Guillaume – Initial, apprenticeship and continuing education.
- UTBM – 2 educational platforms: electromagnetic compatibility and energy and land transport.