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Welcome to Eva GOLLI, who has joined the Energy Transition and Sustainable Economy Unit.

24 September 2024 L'agence Share :

Eva We are delighted to announce the arrival of Eva GOLLI, Renewable Energies & Waste Heat Recovery (RE&WH) Project Manager, who is joining the Energy Transition and Sustainable Economy Department, within AER BFC!

Graduated in energy engineering in 2012, Eva began her career in the industry by working for 5 years with heating system manufacturers. After returning to the region, she continued her journey as an energy auditor, both as a subcontractor and an independent consultant. Since April 2023, Eva has held a position as an energy renovation advisor for individuals. Today, she continues her path in this field, while expanding her scope to a new sector.

Eva will assist companies in the region to improve the energy performance of their facilities. Her missions will include waste heat recovery and the integration of renewable energies, key actions to strengthen the energy transition in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

A passion? Eva is passionate about energy optimization, which she sees as both a professional challenge and a way to contribute to the environmental well-being of the region.

We are convinced that Eva’s expertise and passion will make a valuable contribution to our mission of energy support. Welcome, Eva!