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Discover the AER BFC 2023 activity report

03 May 2024 L'agence Share :

The Regional Economic Agency of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, a determined and committed agency built on solid foundations, serves the businesses and territories of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

A Useful and Recognized Agency

Thanks to its regional roots, the Agency now counts 83 EPCI shareholders alongside the Region, out of 113 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. In 2023, the Agency continued its ISO-9001 Quality Certification process, initiated in 2018, and also began implementing a CSR approach aiming for certification.

A Steady Number of Successful Business Projects

The economic development and prospecting division has engineered various projects with:

  • 742 business projects in the portfolio at the end of December 2023,
  • 47% of the projects were exogenous,
  • 92 business projects were successful and 3,626 jobs were created or preserved.

Prospecting Investors and Promoting Regional Expertise

In 2023, the Agency participated in 34 fairs and events in France and internationally, such as SIMI, Hyvolution, and EPHJ, and led several prospecting missions in China, Israel, and Canada. The Agency enhanced its digital prospecting with 40 qualified business projects.

In 2023, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region ranked fifth for hosting FDI (Foreign Direct Investments), with 160 projects and the creation or maintenance of 3,059 jobs.

The Agency managed the communication for the Hydrogen Business For Climate Forum, which gathered more than 450 participants and 30 journalists. The Agency also participated in the deployment of the region’s residential attractiveness strategy with 12 promotional and welcoming brochures.

Consistent Support for Innovation, Research, and Ecological Transition

The division organized the 5th edition of the “Create Tomorrow, 2 Days to Innovate in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté” event, which mobilized over 442 participants, more than 60% of whom were businesses.

327 visits were made with companies and project leaders. Under the presta’inno program, 61 cases were reviewed to take the first step in innovation, with 55 aids awarded amounting to an investment of 367,900 euros. In eco-innovation, 60 companies received funding and/or detailed technical follow-up, and 24 in heat recovery.

Two workshop paths dedicated to eco-design and sustainable economic models were launched. They mark the beginning of ongoing support for the 26 participating companies.

Developing and Sharing Regional Economic Knowledge

Décidata, the regional data platform for the Economy, Employment, and Training, was accessed over 71,000 times in 2023.

The Economic and Territorial Intelligence division identified 840 properties covering 1.8 million square meters available in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. The division educated the region’s EPCI, enhancing their understanding and management of their economic land and activity zones with 2,650 hectares available in 301 activity zones, including 770 hectares immediately available and 100 hectares in 7 high-visibility exogenous economic activity zones. The division supported more than 50 EPCI:

  • engineering for the application of the ZAN law and inventory mission of activity zones for 12 of them,
  • support for 2 EPCI in developing an economic development strategy, mobilizing all of the Agency’s expertise.

The Regional Economic Agency of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, an agency serving businesses and territories to promote economic development, innovation, ecological transition, and the economic attractiveness of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

Download the 2023 Activity Report