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Financing for innovation


Presta’INNO, finance for SMEs committed to an innovative project in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

Surround yourself with specialist partners and mobilise the Presta’INNO package, a subsidy to the value of 70%, taxes excluded, of the cost of the service, with a ceiling of €8,000, to support you in your innovation process (subject to eligibility).

The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Economic Agency will also support you in connecting with the regional innovation ecosystem.

The business

  • Established in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • < 250 employees
  • With no innovation support for the last 2 years

The service provision

  • This must be part of the innovation process (technological, organisational, commercial, social, etc.) requiring external skills to validate a particular stage of the project
  • Duration of the service provision: 1 year maximum

Financial support

  • The assistance provided (Fonds Bpifrance [Public Investment Bank France Funds] and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region) may cover up to 70% of the cost of the service provision, taxes excluded, with a ceiling of €8,000
  • The assistance is paid to the business at the end of the service provision and after payment has been made to the service provider

The file

  • Single file with instruction within one month
  • Administrative follow-up until notification of assistance
  • Financial follow-up of the file by Bpifrance
  • Support for continuation of the project:
    connecting, finance proposal, etc.
Flyer Presta'INNO

Leaflet (fr)

Type of service provisions eligible

  • Formalisation of an innovation process
  • Search for partners
  • Pre-contractual legal assistance
  • Technological monitoring
  • Product design, feasibility study: trials/product features
  • Development of new or improved procedures
  • Market study/Marketing approach

Presta'INNO - your approach

1. Would you like to know more about Presta’INNO?

Presentation (fr)

2. Check the eligibility of your company and your project before putting together the application

Carole PETIT – cpetit@aer-bfc.com
03 80 40 33 90

Presta'INNO in 2023

  • 61files processed
  • 55aids awarded
  • 367,900euros invested

Jean-Luc PÉROT

Designer and manufacturer of professional induction cooking equipment

50% of the marketing study financed by Presta’Inno

“Eventually, the finalisation of the specifications will enable us to industrialise our concept, expand our product range and develop our turnover.”

Read his testimony

Jean-Pierre SPADONE
CEO, Axone-Spadone

Manufacturer and distributor of standard garage doors

5% reduction in manufacturing costs

“With Presta’INNO, we have left the traditional development model and set up industrial processes. Today, we must maintain this performance. We are confident that the quality of our support will continue.

Read his testimony

CEO, Formation Conseil Sécurité

Training and consulting company in security for companies

20 immersive fire scenarios created

“Based on our success, we plan to develop this training in the near future by integrating the handling of armed fire valves. Soon, thanks to 360° photos, we will be able to create scenes of the company in 3D virtual reality.

Read his testimony

Marie-France JAVEY
CEO, Javey

Designer and manufacturer of closures such as high-end garage doors

16 references for a new product range

“Our process meets the expectations of our customers who want a wide range of visuals and shades for their garage door. We are continuing the commercial development of this range which has already conquered the Italian market.”

Read his testimony

CEO, Lamster

Publisher of a human resources management optimisation software

100 franchised hotels become customers

“Presta’INNO is a good project management accelerator. Indeed, thanks to this support, I was able to meet our clients’ demands within the allotted time. Today, we are planning to extend our business sector to mass distribution and to integrate artificial intelligence into our software.”

Read his testimony

Dominique PERREUX
CEO, Mahytec

Manufacturer of hydrogen storage solutions

Ambition 120 service stations installed by 2023

“Thanks to Presta’INNO, we have created 1 job. We have also joined AprISTHY, an association that is the precursor of the Institut de STockage HYdrogène, which brings together the players in the hydrogen sector in the region.

Read his testimony

CEO, Sporthopeo

Manufacturer and distributor of articles and connected objects related to sports, well-being and medical use

Turnover x5 by 2020

“Presta’INNO enabled us to validate the principle of integrating sensors into the bicycle pedal. We have developed our offer and today, we claim to have created the first universal, connected foot attachment system.

Read his testimony


Specialist in wiring and electrical integration for industry

30% time saving due to the robotisation of assembly operations

“Within the next two to three years, investment in the robotisation of certain assembly operations will enable us to retain our customers, acquire new ones and reduce our production costs.”

Read his testimony

CEO, Symbiose Technologies

Extreme liquid manager for remote, inaccessible or temporary sites

Turnover x2 thanks to the Daisy project

“Thanks to the help of Presta’INNO, we were able to embark on an innovative approach by relying on external skills. We have formalised the concept, carried out tests to finalise the prototype and qualified the target markets. We hope to enter the production phase in a few months.

Read his testimony

Jean-Philippe BAZOT
CEO, Bongard-Bazot & Fils

Multi-activity company from the forest to the finished product: felling, skidding, timber transport, sawmill, secondary processing, wood energy. Public works and transport

50% time saving due to further development of the cut-off machine

“Thanks to Presta’INNO, we were able to finance the evolution of the existing tool and thus avoid a significant investment in new equipment. New developments of our machine are being studied with the Lycée Jules Renard.

Read his testimony

Mathias BOUNON
CEO, B.C. Technique Agro-Organique

Manufacture and wholesale of agricultural equipment

Manufacture and wholesale of agricultural equipment

“With the help of Presta’INNO and Bpifrance, we launched our new activity. We have manufactured a first series of 15 machines, some of which have been marketed.

Read his testimony

Grégory HAYE
CEO, Aromacomtois

Producer of organic essential oils from softwoods in the Jura Mountains

60 outlets since this innovative project

“With the help of Presta’INNO, we have built an innovative still that fits into a short, participatory and environmentally friendly circuit. Our essential oils transformed into products for therapy, cosmetics, perfumery and confectionery have already conquered 60 points of sale and we are opening a shop at the end of 2018. This aid, which is quick to mobilise and adapted to the business world, gets to the point!”

Read his testimony