Public services
AER Bourgogne-Franche-Comté has two primary targets: businesses and all the local government areas of the region, i.e. its eight administrative departments.
Services for local communities are :
Economic engineering
- Business France link-up in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
- Link-up with the public establishment for inter-district cooperation (EPCI) for business set-up and expansion
- Knowledge, inventory and management tools: socioeconomic evidence gathering; land and business properties
Decision support and information sharing
- Surveys and expert reports
- Participation in local instances working for economic development
- Contacting other EPCIs with similar projects
- Information sharing
Sensitization to innovation and eco-innovation
- Leading the regional network of innovation actors
- Building awareness of innovation and eco-innovation with the region’s EPCI services and businesses
- Bibliometrics and mapping of patents filed in the region – in partnership with Bourgogne-Franche-Comté chamber of commerce and industry
Economic change
- In partnership with central government departments
Promotion and attractiveness of the region