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Review of the AER BFC Annual General Meeting

06 June 2024 L'agence Share :

This 6 June 2024, the annual Ordinary General Assembly of the Regional Economic Agency of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté (AER BFC) was held in the prestigious Salle des Séances of the Regional Council in Dijon. This event, chaired by Marie-Guite DUFAY, President of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Region, highlighted the agency’s achievements for the year 2023.

A positive report for AER BFC

Thanks to rigorous management, AER BFC has achieved all its annual objectives, thereby enhancing the reputation of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in France and internationally. Some key figures:

  • 92 business support projects: These initiatives have created and maintained 3,626 jobs in the region.
  • 5th rank among French regions for the number of Foreign Direct Investment projects.
  • 33 missions and professional exhibitions in France and abroad, promoting regional industry and sectors.
  • Structuring the network of incubators under the PEP’IN BFC label, with 21 incubators.
  • 55 Presta’Inno grants awarded to regional companies.
  • 140 companies supported, including 60 that received funding for their eco-innovative projects and/or comprehensive technical support.
  • 24 new companies supported in their energy transition projects, joining the 67 companies already followed by AER BFC.
  • Economic and territorial intelligence unit: Missions to understand and anticipate economic trends, focusing on land (OFER BFC), business real estate, and socio-economic studies through the Décidata observatory.

Testimony of 4 supported companies

The assembly was marked by testimonies from four companies supported by AER BFC:

  • FIMM
  • MCGP Groupe
  • Bourgogne Précision Mécanique
  • McPhy

Future challenges for Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

David COUSQUER from Trendeo spoke to analyze the economic positioning of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. He highlighted the future opportunities and challenges for the region, emphasizing the importance of digital integration into industrial production and the imperative to continue investing in dynamic SMEs to transform them into local champions.

Conclusion and speech by Marie-Guite DUFAY

Marie-Guite DUFAY concluded the assembly by reaffirming the Region’s support for local initiatives and highlighting the key role of AER BFC in regional economic development. She congratulated President Jean-Claude LAGRANGE, Vice-President Arnaud MARTHEY, Director General Martine ABRAHAMSE-PLEUX, and their teams for the excellence of the actions accomplished, thereby contributing to the agency’s performance results.