Le contenu

Medical devices & e-health

Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region

A network of committed companies

Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research

Targeted training
=> 1 engineering school specialized in biomedical engineering
=> targeted training in Artificial Intelligence


Equipment for dentistry, surgery, therapy, ultrasound imaging, surgical assistance, bone or dental prostheses, neurological valves… Regional companies design and manufacture parts for the sector’s major principals, or produce finished products.

Burgundy-Franche-Comté combines cutting-edge skills in micro-, nano- and biotechnologies, as well as in materials, all of which are essential for inventing and miniaturizing ever more effective medical technologies :

  •  Leading research laboratories such as FEMTO-ST, LINC, SINERGIES, CIAD-Lab,
  • Structures dedicated to the transfer of research and the emergence of start-ups (SAYENS, Déca-BFC, Femto Engineering),
  •  A network of leading companies
  • High-level training and a biomedical engineering school
  • A favorable regional environment thanks to the strong involvement of local authorities, notably the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region, Dijon Métropole and Greater Besançon Métropole, which fund support structures (Agence Régionale, Pôle de compétitivité et clusters)


Companies and start-ups involved in Medical devices : (not exhaustive) :



E-health, a major asset…

E-health (information systems, telehealth and robotics) is experiencing exponential growth, prompting new players to enter the field

Companies involved in e-health (not exhaustive):




Targeted training

  • ISIFC, the Marie and Louis Pasteur University’s in-house biomedical engineering school, has held CTI accreditation for initial training since 2001, as well as for continuing education and VAE. The school trains some 50 engineers a year for industry, research and healthcare centers, with a rare triple culture: technical, regulatory and medical.
  • SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM: public engineering school offering training in mechanical engineering and microtechnology => BIO-MICROSYSTEMS FOR HEALTH option: microsystems and testing, biomedical instrumentation, biotechnologies.
  • University of Technology Belfort-Montbéliard: engineering courses specialising in mechanics, ergonomics, IT, industrial engineering, etc.

A network of partners to support businesses

-> 2 competitiveness clusters

  • PMT – A competitiveness cluster since 2005, the PMT (formerly the Pole des microTechniques) federates the region’s healthcare technology sector, based on excellence in microtechnology. It structures the local medtech sector on the one hand, and the biotech, pharma and biomanufacturing sectors on the other. It supports the PMT Santé cluster and the Propulseur start-up accelerator. The PMT is a partner of France Biolead and France Biotech, the AIS, Polepharma and Medicen.
  • Polymeris – Competitiveness cluster for rubber, plastics and composites.

-> Groups of companies

  • PMT Santé – A health cluster supported by the PMT, PMT Santé coordinates the entire community of companies, research laboratories and higher education establishments in the field, through a regional action plan.
  • BFCare – The BFCare cluster brings together manufacturers in the healthcare sector based in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region. Its missions include facilitating the emergence of cooperative ventures and synergies between network members, promoting the exchange of best professional practices and fostering partnerships with the academic world.
  • Santenov – SANTENOV’s mission is to federate, embody and strengthen the visibility and attractiveness of Dijon’s healthcare ecosystem, and to encourage the emergence and development of innovative products and services to meet the challenges of healthcare. Santenov is a partner of Polepharma and Leem.
  • TIS – The North Franche-Comté Innovative Health Technologies Cluster is showcasing the expertise of its members, particularly in orthopaedics and additive manufacturing.


AER BFC can help you

Béatrice Joly

Béatrice JOLY, Health Industries and Technologies Project Manager, will be your key contact at AER BFC for all your development or location projects. With 20 years’ experience in economic development, she has been helping to structure the healthcare sector in Burgundy-Franche-Comté since 2016. Thanks to its knowledge of the regional ecosystem (companies and economic players in the sector) and the specific features of companies, medical devices and pharma biotech (regulations, market access, subcontracting, etc.), it will be able to support you through the various stages of your project:


  • Financial engineering,
  • Search for land and business premises,
  • Finding industrial R&D partnerships,
  • Putting you in touch with the regional ecosystem. – bjoly@aer-bfc.com
LinkedIn Profile

Projects born in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

mechanical ventilation monitoring

ARCHEON MEDICAL has developed the EOLife device to assist cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This device adapts to each bag, mask or endotracheal tube to measure and provide REAL-TIME feedback on insufflated volume, tidal volume, ventilation frequency and the ventilation frequency and the occurrence of leaks. It allows manual ventilation to be improved by almost 70% to :

  • provide a tidal volume adapted to the patient while minimising the risk of gastric insufflation,
  • avoid excessive air leaks, which can lead to hypoxia and cause brain damage or death,
  • avoid hyperventilation, which causes lung damage and reduces venous return.


Medical device events

The Rentrée du DM

A renowned annual event, the Rentrée du DM is a professional training course for medical device specialists.

Bringing together the ANSM and several notified bodies over a 2-day period, the discussions focus on changes in the regulatory context.

The next event is scheduled for 8 and 9 October 2024 in Besançon!



Hacking Health


Engineers, developers, lawyers, designers, marketing specialists… Hacking Health is open to all those who want to contribute to imagining solutions for tomorrow’s healthcare. It’s an annual event that brings together people with the skills to prototype solutions to the problems posed by the challenge-setters over a 48-hour period.

Prochain rendez-vous du 18 au 20 octobre 2024 à Besançon !

IA4Care Forum

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The 3rd edition of the IA4Care Forum will enable participants to update their knowledge of digital innovations applied to healthcare in terms of their use in professional practice, the ethical and regulatory framework, their impact on training provision and the crucial issues of access to healthcare data to improve care and develop research.

The wide range of themes covered by the IA4Care Forum will give participants a unique opportunity to network with clinicians, researchers, manufacturers, innovators and healthcare professionals, and to work together to advance AI and digital health.

The next event will take place in Dijon in 2025!



IA4Care Datathon

The organising partners are inviting the community of digital health innovators to work together in teams of volunteers from different disciplines to tackle a selection of challenges.

Over the weekend, from Friday to Sunday, team members will work together to produce an innovative and relevant concept and/or prototype based on digital technologies and artificial intelligence.

The next event will take place in Dijon in 2025!